I want my private life back, thanks!

written by Ana Mattuzzi (born Stojanović in Niš, Serbia - ex Yugoslavia - 28.07.1974)
on Wednesday February 8th, 2012

or about the complete fall of the common culture

(i.e. do people read books and watch movies other than "Transformers"?)


And btw. all the lyrics of most of the songs mentioned above, are written in my little black calendar (book) I received from my grandfather when I was 12 or something. Why am I mentioning it? Because of one great movie.



I do not know how I can remember and differentiate all the movies I have seen in my life. I just do. The same holds for actors and actresses.


We all know that "Life is a bitch and then you die" - fat girls are "cows" and coward boys "chicken", but do you really need to tell it in a such a cruel way to a 5 years old children? On one side Tom and Jerry are violent and on the other there is no video game where you don't kill? And then you are astonished by the lack of constructive creativity in your children? When I was a kid, they were playing creative cartoons on TV:

TV Series


I do not read poetry; or to be more precise, haven't read it since high school (we didn't only have to read it, but also learn it by heart, and analyze it).



Avant-garde (the people ahead of their time - in FIFS order)

Most of these people were considered strange or even crazy (and I am not trying to draw parallels here). But they've done more for the humanity and culture than the rest of us together. (Disclaimer: This list is completely subjective, it certainly isn't an absolute truth).

Term redefinition (Ana's dictionary)

FYI: I never met a pedophile (or at least s/he never told me they were one) and I am certainly not one (not even in my dictionary). About promiscuous people (when we talk about the real meaning of the word) I actually do not care. They can do what they want as long as they don't share it with me. As much as I am concerned, people can have their Daisy (in a Woody Allen definition). So, please, stop believing people who lie and and invent or swap stories to protect themselves. Or, at least, don't repeat them. Think! Be smarter! Be curious (but in a positive way)!
and now the explanation on why did I write this text

This text will be changed over time (the facts will stay the same, just maybe written in a better way). They are circulated by the people who traffic humans. Short explanation: you invent and spread facts on my private life, hire the actors to stage them, find a similarity or two on the photos of me somebody uploaded somewhere or breached e-mails, somebody published somewhere. So they make me look stupid in front of the people I've never met, which in turn makes me first work more and produce more and then after a while ‐ this time almost a year ‐ pretty angry (because it just shows that lots of people have prejudice, and that is really a sad fact in 2012). And then they can easily take the credits for the work I have done. Because nobody will hire someone who does not respect anything or anyone.

That the Robin character in "How I met your mother" is made upon me. Actually, you could actually find one similarity and that is that my father really wanted to have boys and being an engineer he bought us (both me and my sister) cars instead of dolls, computer at the age of 10, taught us to repair things in house, make objects out of wood, made us do sports, study engineering... But he's not at all brutal as Robin's father is. And actually, I am very grateful that he did that. Anyway, I am sure that there are a lot of girls with very similar childhood. Any other similarity with me does not exist. Btw. she is really tall and beautiful.

That I am easy and that I am constantly cheating men I am with. But, actually, I was only with a small number of men in my life (you count them on the fingers of one hand and none of them was ever my boss or my bosses boss, or ... - because I do not like to be "bossed around", perhaps ;) and never cheated anyone of them. And about how easy I am you can either ask my exes or those men that never managed to get there where they were aiming. It may happen that a long time ago somebody got lucky a bit earlier, because he looked like the Winston way model, I had on my biology notebook for years. But, that does not mean that anybody can get that lucky.

That I want to change the world. Well, I don't. Otherwise, I would have stayed in Serbia. But the world taught me (and lots of other people for that matter) that it has it's own pace and that only extremely rich and unscrupulous people can change something. Usually, by killing lots of other people they have never even met.

That I have no respect for people. Complete lie. I have basic human respect for people I start the normal communication with (meaning that they don't insult me first). As soon as they try to sell me complete nonsense as a fact, they lose an "unit" of my respect. More they lie to me, more units (points) they lose. Because the rule is: When you lie to someone, you do not respect that person, at all. So after 20 points lost, I start treating these people the same way they have treated me the whole time. But, do you see what kind of "j..ks" are these people. 20 points is really very high credit, just think about it ...

I always have a completely different kind of respect for the people who are really good at their job. And who do not go over bodies. And in for example in programming that should actually be very easy, because you interact with the machine, not with humans. But, it seems that, at least I, do not manage to get in contact to enough people of that kind here in Zürich. I can't say that I haven't met any, but for a city with 600'000 inhabitants...

My youngest boyfriend was only 2 years younger than me. And I certainly had no relationship with any of my students. Not that there were no cute ones (is this actually correct english phrase, it certainly appears among Java certification questions, but double negation?), but I do not see myself as a cougar. But as my husband and my ex boyfriends were my age, I am not a piranha either. Anyway, this is again a great example of a stereotype definition, because I know a few very well functioning couples with big age differences in either direction.

"Feldschlösschen", "Forst",... ‐ well, I actually do not drink beer, if there is anything else (btw. mostly water; as I am lacking any physical activity that would consume alcohol, and being drunk doesn't suit me). There are several reasons for that: first is that I do not like the taste of it, second that I like my tummy as flat as it is now, and third I do not find it lady-like (though I am not really a lady, but who knows ...). But, I made once an exercise illustrating the usage of static and instance methods and variables. It is fairly simple as the students were not supposed to learn how to program a project, even though the name of the lecture was "Programming Project" (don't ask me why), but the principles under which Java Heap Space functions. You can imagine the motivation of a person, attending the second semester, barely knowing how to write a simple object oriented program. And as the beer industry is the second largest in that area, I thought that they could relate. Anyway, you can find another beer example, published a year later in a very good java servlet/jsp book.

A small note for English language learners (I know it's not me who should do it because there are a lot of people around whose native language is actually English): but sewage and sewing are not the same thing (and of course Word files are editable, so don't ever send your CV as a Word file). Though the first activity is certainly much more useful for the community, the second one could be considered as a bit more creative (it does not lack utility, because we don't go around naked). Especially, when you do not design the dress, but copy a model form the female magazine and add a personal note. And in my extended family there is almost no female member, who is not able to mend some piece of cloths together. Remember, H&M came to Serbia only in the beginning of the 21st century.

Just that you don't think that I just complain about my problems and do nothing else. My first programming language is Java. But, as in one moment I believed that Flash would be used much more than it actually is or ever will be, I've created some websites with it in 2009:

  1. example 1 was online for almost a year. It's created using Gaia Framework and I an open source library CoverFlow, which I've adjusted to show videos, too. Everything's done using AS3. The greatness of both, the plugin and the library is the fact that everything is hot-swappable. To change the artist, or the media you just edit the links in the xml file.
  2. example 2 was just a course project. I used AS2 and the lyrics are fetched using JSON from MySQL database.
  3. html5 from flash - the staff page for the restaurant Sale e Pepe is implemented in flash. Here you can access the new version of that flash app.
  4. migrate Struts 1 application to Struts 2 - I have documented the steps I had to do to migrate the Struts 1 Example from the book into Struts 2. Nothing new here.